Flow reduction control measures can be essential to achieve successful outcomes for Jetting and/or CCTV Inspections of pipelines. The efficiency of cleaning and inspecting pipelines improves when there is minimal flow within the pipes. In stormwater networks, encountering flooded pipelines due to blocked or inundated outlets is a common occurrence. To address this, a range of measures, such as temporary pipe sealing, over-pumping, and/or suction, may be necessary to attain the desired results. Similarly, in wastewater networks, the presence of fast and high-volume flows can present challenges, potentially requiring partial or full pipe sealing and/or suction, all while closely monitoring the process.
At BlueLine Drains, we have a wide range of equipment to assist in reducing or removing flows in pipelines including various pipe test plugs, pneumatic pipe sealing bags, trash/water pumps and suction trucks.
If you require cleaning and/or CCTV Inspections of flooded lines, contact us today and we will determine the best method to reduce or remove the flow to achieve the best possible outcome.